2023-130 Conditional Release Program for Sexually Violent Predators Program Participants Are Less Likely to Reoffend, While the State Has Difficulty Finding Suitable Housing
2023-130 Department of State Hospitals – Sexually Violent Predator (SVP) Conditional Release Program (CONREP)
2023-123 California’s Systems of Public Higher Education Streamlining the Community College Transfer Process Could Increase Access to Bachelor’s Degrees
2023-123 California’s Systems of Public Higher Education Streamlining the Community College Transfer Process Could Increase Access to Bachelor’s Degrees
2023-048 Cannabis Business Licensing Inadequate Oversight and Inappropriate Expenditures Weaken the Local Jurisdiction Assistance Grant Program
2023-048 Cannabis Business Licensing Inadequate Oversight and Inappropriate Expenditures Weaken the Local Jurisdiction Assistance Grant Program
2023-129 Tropical Forest-Risk Commodities The State Could Better Ensure That It Does Not Contribute to Tropical Deforestation
2023-129 Tropical Forest-Risk Commodities The State Could Better Ensure That It Does Not Contribute to Tropical Deforestation
2023-134 Los Angeles County It Has Yet to Spend Tens of Millions of Dollars Intended to Provide Services to Realigned Youth
2023-134 Los Angeles County It Has Yet to Spend Tens of Millions of Dollars Intended to Provide Services to Realigned Youth
2024-032 Clery Act Requirements and Crime Reporting Six California Colleges and Universities We Visited Struggled to Report Accurate Campus Safety Information