2024-008 State of California Statement of Securities Accountability of the State Treasurer’s Office December 31, 2023
2023-008 State of California Statement of Securities Accountability of the State Treasurer’s Office December 31, 2022
2023-128 Department of Pesticide Regulation Insufficient Staffing and Inefficient Processes Delay Pesticide Registrations
2023-128 Department of Pesticide Regulation Insufficient Staffing and Inefficient Processes Delay Pesticide Registrations
2023-101 Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority Improvements Are Necessary to Strengthen Its Project Management and Financial Oversight
2023-101 Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority Improvements Are Necessary to Strengthen Its Project Management and Financial Oversight
2023-106 University of California It Makes Limited Use of Online Program Management Firms but Should Provide Increased Oversight
2023-106 University of California It Makes Limited Use of Online Program Management Firms but Should Provide Increased Oversight
2023-104 The California Labor Commissioner’s Office Inadequate Staffing and Poor Oversight Have Weakened Protections for Workers
2023-104 The California Labor Commissioner’s Office Inadequate Staffing and Poor Oversight Have Weakened Protections for Workers