Recurring Findings

Employment Development: Recurring Significant Internal Control Deficiencies
Federal Program Issue First Year Reported
Department's Assertion Page Number
DVOP (Disabled Veterans' Outreach Program) Although EDD had adequate procedures in place to comply with federal suspension and debarment requirements, EDD did not fully implement those procedures. 2007-08
To assist EDD procurement staff with their roles in the procurement process, and to ensure every procurement file contains required documents, a Procurement Checklist is being developed and will be provided to each procurement analyst and manager. 94
Employment Services/Wagner-Peyser Funded Activities Although EDD had adequate procedures in place to comply with federal suspension and debarment requirements, EDD did not fully implement those procedures. 2007-08
To assist EDD procurement staff with their roles in the procurement process, and to ensure every procurement file contains required documents, a Procurement Checklist is being developed and will be provided to each procurement analyst and manager. 94
LVER (Local Veterans' Employment Representative Program) Although EDD had adequate procedures in place to comply with federal suspension and debarment requirements, EDD did not fully implement those procedures. 2007-08
To assist EDD procurement staff with their roles in the procurement process, and to ensure every procurement file contains required documents, a Procurement Checklist is being developed and will be provided to each procurement analyst and manager. 94