Report 2007-102.2 Recommendation 4 Responses

Report 2007-102.2: California State University: It Is Inconsistent in Considering Diversity When Hiring Professors, Management Personnel, Presidents, and System Executives (Release Date: December 2007)

Recommendation #4 To: University, California State

To ensure that campuses employ consistent search processes and develop appropriate policies, the university should issue systemwide guidance on the hiring process for management personnel. In developing this guidance, the university should advise campuses to compare and report the gender and ethnicity of their current workforce to the labor pool by separating management personnel positions into groups based on the function of their positions to ensure that placement goals are meaningful and useful to those involved in the hiring process. Direct campuses to have search committees review affirmative action plans so they are aware of the availability and placement goals for women and minorities when planning the search process. The guidance should address the purpose of placement goals and the affirmative action plan in general so that the search committees have the appropriate context and do not misuse the information.

Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From October 2013

The 2008 webinar titled "Valuing Diversity in Recruitment" and the 2010 on-demand, web-based training, titled "Faculty and Administrative Searches in the CSU," review examples of practices that reflect good faith efforts to reach affirmative action goals and model the concepts of non-discrimination and equal employment opportunity. Among the concepts discussed was apprising the search committee of the campus affirmative action obligations and putting it in the appropriate context of nondiscrimination so that they do not misperceive affirmative action goals as quotas. These trainings are available at While campuses are encouraged to ensure that placement goals are meaningful and useful to those involved in the search/hiring process, a university task force formed in 2008 reviewed the appropriate use of affirmative action plans and availability data, and concluded that allowing campuses some flexibility in carrying out their utilization analysis and developing the campus affirmative action plan was appropriate.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Will Not Implement

Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From September 2012

The 2008 webinar titled “Valuing Diversity in Recruitment” and the 2010 on-demand, web-based training, titled “Faculty and Administrative Searches in the CSU,” review examples of practices that reflect good faith efforts to reach affirmative action goals and model the concepts of non-discrimination and equal employment opportunity. Among the concepts discussed was apprising the search committee of the campus affirmative action obligations and putting it in the appropriate context of nondiscrimination so that they do not misperceive affirmative action goals as quotas. These trainings are available at While campuses are encouraged to ensure that placement goals are meaningful and useful to those involved in the search/hiring process, a university task force formed in 2008 reviewed the appropriate use of affirmative action plans and availability data, and concluded that allowing campuses some flexibility in carrying out their utilization analysis and developing the campus affirmative action plan was appropriate.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Will Not Implement

All Recommendations in 2007-102.2

Agency responses received after June 2013 are posted verbatim.