Report 2018-131 Recommendation 23 Responses

Report 2018-131: Alum Rock Union Elementary School District: The District and Its Board Must Improve Governance and Operations to Effectively Serve the Community (Release Date: May 2019)

Recommendation #23 To: Alum Rock Union Elementary School District

To ensure that the bond committee receives the assistance it requests from the district to perform its oversight duties, the board should create a policy by August 2019 requiring district staff to document the assistance they provide to the bond committee and to regularly report to the board on the nature and frequency of this assistance.

6-Month Agency Response

AR 7214 supports recommendation #23 regarding support for CBOC. Evidence will be submitted to Mr. Boone.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Fully Implemented

60-Day Agency Response

1.Amend Administrative Regulation 7214 (General Obligation Bonds) to incorporate requirements.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

All Recommendations in 2018-131

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.