Report 2022-030 Recommendations

When an audit is completed and a report is issued, auditees must provide the State Auditor with information regarding their progress in implementing recommendations from our reports at three intervals from the release of the report: 60 days, six months, and one year. Additionally, Senate Bill 1452 (Chapter 452, Statutes of 2006), requires auditees who have not implemented recommendations after one year, to report to us and to the Legislature why they have not implemented them or to state when they intend to implement them. Below, is a listing of each recommendation the State Auditor made in the report referenced and a link to the most recent response from the auditee addressing their progress in implementing the recommendation and the State Auditor's assessment of auditee's response based on our review of the supporting documentation.

Recommendations in Report 2022-030: The State Bar of California's Attorney Discipline Process: Weak Policies Limit Its Ability to Protect the Public From Attorney Misconduct (Release Date: April 2022)

Recommendations to Bar of California, State
Number Recommendation Status

To ensure that it uses nonpublic measures to close complaints only when such use is consistent and appropriate, the State Bar should revise its policies by October 2022 to define specific criteria that describe which cases are eligible to be closed using nonpublic measures and which are not eligible.

Fully Implemented

To ensure that it fulfills its duties to investigate attorney misconduct, by April 2023, the State Bar should begin monitoring compliance with its new policy for identifying the circumstances in which investigators should continue to investigate even if the complainant withdraws the complaint.


The State Bar should notify the public on its website when other jurisdictions have determined that an attorney who is also licensed in California presents a substantial threat of harm to the public.

Fully Implemented

To ensure that it identifies discipline imposed on California attorneys in other jurisdictions, the State Bar should use the American Bar Association's data bank to identify attorneys disciplined in other jurisdictions who have not reported that discipline to the State Bar.

Fully Implemented

To allow its staff to more easily identify patterns of similar complaints made against attorneys, by July 2022, the State Bar should begin using its general complaint type categorizations when determining whether to investigate a complaint.

Fully Implemented

To improve its ability to identify and prevent conflicts of interest that its staff may have with attorneys who are subjects of complaints, the State Bar should develop a process by July 2022 for monitoring the accuracy of the information in its case management system used to flag attorneys with whom its staff have declared a conflict of interest.

Partially Implemented

To ensure that State Bar staff do not inappropriately close cases against attorneys on the conflict list, the State Bar should create a formal process by October 2022 for determining whether it is able to objectively assess whether such a complaint should be closed or whether the decision should be made by an independent administrator. The State Bar should document this assessment in its case files for each case against an attorney on the conflict list.

Fully Implemented

To increase the independence and objectivity of the external review of its case files, the State Bar should amend its policies by July 2022 to require its external reviewer to select the cases for the semiannual review.

Fully Implemented

To increase the independence and objectivity of the external review of its case files, the State Bar should amend its policies by July 2022 to establish formal oversight to ensure that it follows up and addresses the external reviewer's findings.

Fully Implemented

To ensure that it appropriately reviews complaints involving overdrafts and alleged misappropriations from client trust accounts the State Bar should, by July 2022, discontinue its use of informal guidance for review of bank reportable actions and direct all staff to follow the policies established in its intake procedures manual (intake manual).

Fully Implemented

To ensure that it appropriately reviews complaints involving overdrafts and alleged misappropriations from client trust accounts, the State Bar should by July 2022, revise its intake manual to disallow de minimis closures if the attorney has a pending or prior bank reportable action or case alleging a client trust account violation.


To ensure that it appropriately reviews complaints involving overdrafts and alleged misappropriations from client trust accounts the State Bar should, by July 2022, establish a monitoring system to ensure staff are following its policies for de minimis closures.


To ensure that it appropriately reviews complaints involving overdrafts and alleged misappropriations from client trust accounts, by July 2022 the State Bar should, when investigating client trust account-related cases and bank reportable actions not closed de minimis, require its staff to obtain both the bank statements and the attorney's contemporaneous reconciliations of the client trust account, and determine if the relevant transactions are appropriate.


To ensure that it appropriately reviews complaints involving overdrafts and alleged misappropriations from client trust accounts the State Bar should, by July 2022, require a letter with client trust account resources be sent to the attorney after the closure of every bank reportable action.

Fully Implemented
Recommendations to Legislature
Number Recommendation Status

To improve the independence and objectivity of the semiannual review of the State Bar of California (State Bar) case files, the Legislature should require the State Bar to do the following:

-Regularly change its external reviewer.

-Have its external reviewer present its findings and recommendations, with all confidential information redacted, directly to the Board of Trustees of the State Bar (board).

-Require the State Bar to report periodically to the board on the actions it takes to address the external reviewer's recommendations.

No Action Taken

To ensure that the State Bar implements the policy and procedure changes identified in this audit, the Legislature should require an assessment by no later than December 2023 of the State Bar's compliance with those policies and procedures.

No Action Taken

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