Report 2012-105 Recommendations and Responses in 2015-041

Report 2012-105: Departments of Public Health and Social Services: Weaknesses in the Administration of the Child Health and Safety Fund and the State Children's Trust Fund Limit Their Effectiveness

Department Number of Years Reported As Not Fully Implemented Total Recommendations to Department Not Implemented After One Year Not Implemented as of 2014-041 Response Not Implemented as of Most Recent Response
Department of Public Health 2 8 2 2 0
Department of Social Services 2 14 2 1 0

Recommendation To: Public Health, Department of

To ensure that it is able to measure its progress toward fulfilling the requirements of the health and safety fund, Public Health should establish performance measurements for the Kids' Plates Program.


CDPH's Kid's Plates Program awarded four contracts for the implementation of an evidence-based program, Safe Routes to School, which has demonstrated success in reducing childhood bicycle and pedestrian injuries. Each contract included a scope of work with measurable objectives and delineated performance measures and/or deliverables for major activities. At the conclusion of the contract period, CDPH evaluated the overall performance and impact of the Kid's Plates contracts, prepared a Final Report Summary and posted this summary on the Kid's Plates website:

Recommendation To: Public Health, Department of

To ensure that it is able to measure its progress toward fulfilling the requirements of the health and safety fund, Public Health should periodically assess its progress toward meeting its measureable outcomes.


At the conclusion of the contract period, CDPH evaluated the overall performance and impact of the Kid's Plates contracts, prepared a Final Report Summary and posted this summary on the Kid's Plates website:

Recommendation To: Social Services, Department of

To ensure that its efforts funded by the trust fund are preventing or reducing incidences of child abuse and neglect, Social Services should evaluate the performance measurements annually to assess whether the trust fund's programs and services are effective in reducing incidences of child abuse and neglect.


The Office of Child Abuse Prevention has received and evaluated quarterly reports for a full year, ensuring that all State Children's Trust Fund (SCTF) grantees meet established performance measures. Grants funded by the SCTF in fiscal year 2014-15 include the California Evidence Based Clearinghouse, Mandated Reporter Training, and the Family Development Matrix.

Current Status of Recommendations

All Recommendations in 2015-041