Report 2015-131 Recommendation 17 Responses

Report 2015-131: California's Foster Care System: The State and Counties Have Failed to Adequately Oversee the Prescription of Psychotropic Medications to Children in Foster Care (Release Date: August 2016)

Recommendation #17 To: Riverside, County of

To improve its oversight of foster children who are prescribed psychotropic medications, Riverside County should continue to use its new tracking process to better ensure that court authorizations are renewed within 180 days.

1-Year Agency Response

Both RUHS-BH and DPSS-CSD have adopted these guidelines. RUHS-BH informed psychiatrists of these requirements through a letter from the Medical Director dated April 5, 2017 and DPSS-CSD within the Authorization for Psychotropic Medications Policy dated July 19, 2017. DPSS-CSD has three Public Health Nurses to ensure and track compliance. DPSS-CSD staff receives monthly reports on JV220 status that includes expiration dates.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Resolved

6-Month Agency Response

With the additional State funding from SB319, Riverside County will hire an additional two Public Health Nurses to track and ensure court authorizations are renewed within 180 days.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Pending

60-Day Agency Response

The County continues to use and look for ways to improve tracking mechanisms. With additional State funding to support the hiring of more Public Health Nurses, a more inclusive monthly report will be developed.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

All Recommendations in 2015-131

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.