Report 2015-129 Recommendation 20 Responses

Report 2015-129: King City Police Department: Strengthening Management Practices Would Help Its Efforts to Prevent Officer Misconduct and to Regain the Public's Trust (Release Date: July 2016)

Recommendation #20 To: King City

To minimize the potential for conflicts of interest, the Department should develop a written policy by September 2016 that formalizes its practice of preventing officers from being involved in cases associated with their family members.

60-Day Agency Response

Policy Section was added to draft policy manual update and patrol directive 2016-02 released to staff.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Fully Implemented

The Department's Interim Directive 16-02 requires officers to notify the supervisor in the event a report involves the officer's relatives or a person with which the officer has a significant relationship, and that the supervisor will determine who is most appropriate to take the report.

All Recommendations in 2015-129

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.