Report 2015-101 Recommendation 3 Responses

Report 2015-101: Inglewood Unified School District: The State Superintendent of Public Instruction Needs to Better Communicate His Approach for Reforming the District (Release Date: November 2015)

Recommendation #3 To: Education, Department of

To provide the public an opportunity to fully understand the requirements for and the progress made toward restoring local control to the district's governing board, the state superintendent should direct his state administrator to establish a web page on the district's website listing the specific exit criteria, indicating which criteria have been satisfied, and what the state administrator's and state superintendent's expectations and plans are for satisfying remaining exit requirements. One way the state superintendent could do this would be to provide regularly updated information in a format that is similar to the information we present in the Appendix of this audit report.

1-Year Agency Response

As previously reported as an update to the CSA, the district added; (1) a link on the front page of the district's Web site related to fiscal recovery that includes a summary of the FCMAT scores and the district's February 2016 recovery plan in both English and Spanish; and (2) the online agenda for school board meetings, which ties most board actions to the FCMAT standards. As another step to keep the public informed of its recovery progress, the district added a table to the Web site that lists the specific exit criteria, and which criteria have been satisfied.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented

6-Month Agency Response

The district has added a link on the front page of the district's Web site related to fiscal recovery that includes a summary of the FCMAT scores and the district's February 2016 recovery plan in both English and Spanish. Additionally, in order to show progress, the online agenda for school board meetings now ties most board actions to the FCMAT standards. Education continues to discuss with the district the content and timeframe for developing a Web page that describes the criteria for returning the district to local control.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: No Action Taken

As noted in its response, the California Department of Education (Education) has not developed a Web page describing the specific criteria for returning the district to local control. By listing the specific exit criteria and identifying those requirements that still remain outstanding and why, Education could better clarify for the public what work remains before the state superintendent feels confident in returning the district to local control.

60-Day Agency Response

After Dr. Matthews has identified the district's strengths, weaknesses and opportunities, as described in his 60- and 90-day entry plan, Education will meet with him to discuss the content and timeframe for developing the recommended Web site.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: No Action Taken

All Recommendations in 2015-101

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.