Report 2014-301 Recommendation 2 Responses

Report 2014-301: Judicial Branch Procurement: Five Superior Courts Did Not Consistently Follow Judicial Branch Contracting Practices (Release Date: November 2014)

Recommendation #2 To: Superior Court of California, County of Alameda

To improve its payment practices and comply with the judicial contracting manual, the Alameda court should prohibit staff from purchasing unauthorized goods or services.

6-Month Agency Response

Court has complied with the judicial contracting manual. To ensure staff is prohibited from purchasing unauthorized goods or services the Alameda Court Office of Information Technology has completed setup of access controls for authorized personnel and training on the electronic automated procedural workflow approval and authorization for the purchase of goods and services processed in the Court payment system.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Fully Implemented

60-Day Agency Response

A new workflow approval and authorization verification procedure is now in place for payments in accordance with the Disbursements and Payment Programs as outlined in the Court Local Contracting Manual. The Court is in the process of implementing an electronic and automated procedural workflow approval and authorization for payments processed in the Court payment system. The implementation of an automated workflow authorization procedure is expected to be completed by end of year December 2015.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

All Recommendations in 2014-301

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.