California State Auditor
Report 2010-105, University of California: Supplemental Financial Information, Fiscal Year 2009-10

Total Revenue By Fund for Campus: San Diego and Fund Group: *SALES/SERV OF AUX ENTERPRISES and Revenue Subcategory: Sales & Services - Auxiliary Enterprises - Contra - Bad Debts

Fund [show totals] Amount Total
70110 - REVELLE RES HALL #1 INCOME ($618.60) ($618.60)
70120 - REVELLE RES HALL #2 INCOME ($772.19) ($772.19)
70130 - SIXTH COLLEGE RESIDENCE HALLS ($645.83) ($645.83)
70140 - MUIR RES HALL INCOME ($1,209.03) ($1,209.03)
70150 - MUIR APARTMENTS ($453.98) ($453.98)
70160 - MARSHALL COLL I APARTMENTS INC ($371.28) ($371.28)
70170 - MARSHALL COLL II APARTMENTS INC ($620.87) ($620.87)
70180 - NEW THIRD RES HALL INCOME ($736.32) ($736.32)
70190 - WARREN COLLEGE RESIDENCE HALLS ($756.62) ($756.62)
70210 - UNIV COAST APTS INCOME ($296.87) ($296.87)
70220 - MESA APARTMENTS 2A INCOME ($1,928.46) ($1,928.46)
70230 - MESA APARTMENTS 2B INCOME ($826.53) ($826.53)
70240 - CENTRAL MESA APARTMENTS ($95.16) ($95.16)
70250 - MATTHEWS APARTMENTS ($499.18) ($499.18)
70260 - SOUTH MESA APTS INCOME ($9,043.22) ($9,043.22)
70270 - FACULTY APTS INCOME ($1,844.60) ($1,844.60)
70280 - WARREN COLL APTS INCOME ($1,450.80) ($1,450.80)
70290 - PEPPER CANYON APART INCOME ($1,028.04) ($1,028.04)
70300 - ELEANOR ROOSEVELT RESIDENT HALLS ($886.09) ($886.09)
70310 - ELEANOR ROOSEVELT APARTMENTS ($1,191.84) ($1,191.84)
70320 - ONE MIRAMAR STREET APARTMENTS ($3,411.48) ($3,411.48)
70350 - UCSD HSG-LA JOLLA DEL SOL APTS ($5,435.16) ($5,435.16)
70460 - PRICE CENTER CATERING-ON PREMISE $1,000.00 $1,000.00
73100 - BOOKSTORE INCOME ($72,603.64) ($72,603.64)
73636 - PARKING OPERATION INCOME ($6,617.85) ($6,617.85)
73775 - DAY CARE CENTER INCOME ($8,475.89) ($8,475.89)
74998 - Y/E ADJ- SALES-AUX $37,620.43 $37,620.43
Total ($83,199.10) ($83,199.10)
[show totals]

Source: University of California's corporate financial system. For more information about this data, please see the index page.

Notes: Totals may differ slightly due to rounding.