California State Auditor
Report 2010-105, University of California: Supplemental Financial Information, Fiscal Year 2009-10

Total Revenue By Fund for Campus: Berkeley and Fund Group: *SUMMER SESSIONS and Revenue Subcategory: Tuition & Fees - Other Student Fees

Fund [show totals] Amount Total
20291 - SUMMER SESSIONS VISITING STUDE $7,665,101.11 $7,665,101.11
20292 - TRAVEL STUDY NON-UC STUDENTS $765,429.66 $765,429.66
20293 - SUMMER SESSION UC STDS ONLY $19,818,509.89 $19,818,509.89
Total $28,249,040.66 $28,249,040.66
[show totals]

Source: University of California's corporate financial system. For more information about this data, please see the index page.

Notes: Totals may differ slightly due to rounding.