Report I2009-0640 Recommendation 3 Responses

Report I2009-0640: California Department of Transportation: Caltrans Employees Engaged in Inexcusable Neglect of Duty, Received Overpayment for Overtime, Falsified Test Data, and Misappropriated State Property (Release Date: March 2013)

Case Number I2009-0640

Recommendation #3 To: Transportation, Department of

To address the false claims for overtime and differential work hours submitted by technicians A and B and approved by their supervisor, we recommend that Caltrans establish a system to enforce the requirement that specific overtime hours be preapproved for an employee to be compensated for the hours. (See I2009-0640, p. 23)

Agency Response From February 2013

Caltrans revised its policies and procedures through a personnel bulletin issued to all employees in November 2012 that generally requires overtime be pre-approved for an employee in order to be compensated for it. Under Caltrans' revised policies and proceduires, an employee may only be compensated for working overtime that was not pre-approved if the employee submits documentation explaining why the need for overtime work was not anticipated and justifying the need for the overtime work to be performed.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Fully Implemented

All Recommendations in I2009-0640