Report 2013-036 Recommendation 1 Responses

Report 2013-036: Indian Gaming Special Distribution Fund: Counties' Benefit Committees Did Not Always Comply With State Laws for Distribution Fund Grants (Release Date: March 2014)

Recommendation #1 To: Butte, County of

To comply with state law, benefit committees should ensure that they obtain sufficient documentation from grant applicants to demonstrate that proposed projects mitigate casino impacts. If applicable, that documentation should demonstrate that the requested funding represents a correct proportionate share of the costs attributable to casino impacts.

60-Day Agency Response

Our grant process was expanded to include a Technical Advisory Meeting with applicants to discuss the specifics of each application, and the required documentation. In addition, after each application was reviewed, a letter was sent to the applicant requesting the necessary data to substantiate the grant requests. This process was adopted by the IGLCBC as the standard approach.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Fully Implemented

All Recommendations in 2013-036

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.