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Alum Rock Union Elementary School District
The District and Its Board Must Improve Governance and Operations to Effectively Serve the Community

Report Number: 2018-131

Figure 1
The District's Organizational Chart

Figure 1 is an organizational chart that describes key management positions and operational functions in the district. The top of the chart shows that the board is responsible for overseeing the superintendent. The superintendent, in turn, supervises the assistant superintendent of business services, the assistant superintendent of instructional services, the assistant superintendent of human resources, and school principals. Those individuals oversee various functions identified on the chart. The assistant superintendent of business services supervises child nutrition services; facilities, bonds and leases; fiscal services; maintenance, operations, and transportation; payroll; and technology services. The assistant superintendent of instructional services oversees curriculum and instruction, early learning, special services, state and federal programs, and student services. The assistant superintendent of human resources is responsible for managing human resources, and the school principals oversee their respective schools. The source of this chart is the district.

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Figure 2
The Board Has Failed to Provide the Superintendent With Timely Evaluations

Figure 2 is a timeline that compares the required dates for the board to provide its annual evaluations of the superintendent with the dates that she actually received them. From the time of the superintendent’s appointment by the board in July 2014, the board provided only one of the five required annual evaluations on time—the first one that was due November 30, 2014, as stipulated in her contract, and provided November 13, 2014. The contract stipulated that subsequent evaluations were due on June 30 of each succeeding year. However, the board never provided the evaluations due June 30, 2015 and June 30, 2018. Further, the board provided the evaluations due June 30, 2016 and June 30, 2017 after those deadlines. Although the evaluation due June 30, 2016 is undated and the superintendent cannot recall when she received it, we used September 2016, the month the board approved the evaluation template form, as the earliest possible date that the superintendent could have received that evaluation. The evaluation due June 30, 2017 is also undated, but the superintendent acknowledged receiving it in August 2017. Sources of this timeline include our analysis of the superintendent’s contract, evaluation documents received by the superintendent, and interviews with the superintendent.

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